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Pagination & Sorting


All API endpoints returning a list of results (e.g. Object Types, Objects, Warrants, and Query) support cursor-based pagination via a combination of the limit, prevCursor, and nextCursor query parameters. They also support sorting via the sortBy and sortOrder query parameters:

Query Params

limit number

A positive integer representing the maximum number of items to return in the response. Must be less than or equal to 1000. Defaults to 25.

prevCursor string

A cursor representing your place in a list of results. Requests containing prevCursor will return the results immediately preceding the cursor.

nextCursor string

A cursor representing your place in a list of results. Requests containing nextCursor will return the results immediately following the cursor.

sortBy string

The column to sort the result by. Unless otherwise specified, all list endpoints are sorted by their unique identifier by default.

sortOrder string

The order in which to sort the result by. Valid values are ASC and DESC. Defaults to ASC.

Paginated API Request
curl "" \
-H "Authorization: ApiKey YOUR_KEY"


All API endpoints returning a list of results will include: the result set in the results field, a cursor to the previous set of results prevCursor (if applicable), and a cursor to the next set of results nextCursor (if applicable).


results array

The list of requested resources.

prevCursor string

The cursor value to use to request the list of results immediately preceding this result set. This field will be omitted if there are no prior results to fetch.

nextCursor string

The cursor value to use to request the list of results immediately following this result set. This field will be omitted if there are no more results to fetch.

200 OK
"results": [
"objectType": "user",
"objectId": "userXYZ",
"meta": {
"email": ""
"objectType": "user",
"objectId": "userABC",
"meta": {
"email": ""
"prevCursor": "eyJpZCI6IjY2YmMxMWEwLWVjYjktNDExMC1iNDI3LTIzZWRhMjBkODNkZCIsInZhbHVlIjoiMjAyMy0xMC0xN1QyMTo0NDoxNy4wNTM1NTJaIn0=",
"nextCursor": "eyJpZCI6ImRvY3VtZW50OkYzIiwidmFsdWUiOiIyMDIzLTEwLTE3VDIxOjQ0OjE2Ljc4OTc5OVoifQ=="