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The rules that specify relationships between objects in an application (e.g. [store:A] is [parent] of [item:123]) are called warrants. The Warrant access check engine uses both an application's warrants and its object types to answer access check queries at runtime. Individual warrants define concrete relations between objects while object types define how some relations can be implied by others.


 tenant:stark-industries  #    admin     @  user:tony-stark
|-----------------------| |----------| |---------------|
| Object | | Relation | | Subject |
|-----------------------| |----------| |---------------|

Every warrant is composed of three required attributes and an optional policy (more on this later):

  • Object - This is the resource the warrant specifies a relationship on. The object is broken down into an objectType and an objectId. The objectType must refer to a valid object type defined for the application. The objectId is the identifier used by the application for the given resource.
  • Relation - This is the relationship the warrant specifies between the object and subject. The relation must be one of the defined relations on the referenced objectType. It is often used to specify an action the warrant will grant the subject the ability to perform on the object (e.g. editor, viewer, etc.).
  • Subject - This is the resource being granted the specified relationship on the object. The subject is broken down into an objectType, an objectId, and optionally a relation (to specify a group of subjects). Similar to the object, a subject's objectType must refer to a valid object type defined for the application, and its objectId is the identifier used by the application for the given resource. While the subject will often times be an individual user, note that the subject can be an arbitrary resource (e.g. a role, a tenant, a server, an access token, etc.) or even a group of subjects (e.g. in group warrants).
  • Policy (optional) - A policy specifies an additional boolean expression to be evaluated at the time of each check/query request. The provided expression can reference arbitrary variables which can then be optionally provided by check or query requests as context. Given some context at check/query time, a warrant's policy must evaluate to true in order for the warrant to be considered a match for the check/query. If a warrant's object, relation, and subject attributes do not match the requested check/query or the policy expression evaluates to false, the warrant is not matched against during resolution of the check/query. The policy attribute can be used to implement attribute based access control (ABAC).

Here is an example warrant specifying that the subject user:ABC has the relation editor on object item:123:

"objectType": "item",
"objectId": "123",
"relation": "editor",
"subject": {
"objectType": "user",
"objectId": "ABC"

Direct Warrants

A direct warrant represents a relationship between two specific objects. For example, we can define a warrant specifying that [user:1] is a [member] of [role:admin]:

"objectType": "role",
"objectId": "admin",
"relation": "member",
"subject": {
"objectType": "user",
"objectId": "1"

Group Warrants

In some scenarios, we need to specify a relationship between an object and a group of subjects (e.g. [member]s of [role:admin] or [manager]s of [tenant:acme]). This is especially useful when implementing coarse grained access control schemes like role based access control (RBAC) or to grant access to a group of subjects without the overhead of creating a separate warrant for each subject. Group warrants are specified by including the optional relation attribute on the subject of the warrant. Providing the relation attribute on the subject specifies that the warrant applies to all resources that match the given subject's objectType, objectId, and relation. For example, we can define a group warrant specifying that a [member] of [role:admin] is an [editor] of [report:1]:

"objectType": "report",
"objectId": "1",
"relation": "editor",
"subject": {
"objectType": "role",
"objectId": "admin",
"relation": "member"


In other scenarios, we need to specify that a subject has a relation on all objects of a particular type. We can accomplish this without having to create a warrant for every object of that type by using a "wildcard" (*) objectId. Providing the wildcard character on the objectId attribute of a warrant specifies that the warrant applies to all objects of the given objectType. For example, we can define a warrant specifying that [user:123] is an [editor] of [all reports]:

"objectType": "report",
"objectId": "*",
"relation": "editor",
"subject": {
"objectType": "user",
"objectId": "123"

Policies & Context

Warrants can optionally include a policy. A policy is a boolean expression specifying additional conditions that must be satisfied in order for a warrant to match an access check or query. In other words, if a warrant is matched during a check/query via its object, relation, and subject attributes, the warrant's policy (if it has one) will also be evaluated in order to determine whether or not the warrant truly matches the check/query. If the policy evaluates to true the warrant is considered a match. Otherwise, it is not considered a match.

For example, the following warrant states that [role:accountant] is a [member] of [permission:view-profits-and-losses] only when customerId == "wayne-enterprises":

"objectType": "permission",
"objectId": "view-profits-and-losses",
"relation": "member",
"subject": {
"objectType": "role",
"objectId": "accountant"
"policy": "companyId == \"wayne-enterprises\""

Policies can reference variables whose values are dynamic. The value of each variable is provided by check or query requests via a context attribute (i.e. contextual information from your application such as a role, a tenant, a geographic location, etc). Before a policy is evaluated, the values provided via context are substituted into the expression so the expression can be properly evaluated. Policy expressions are statically type checked, so type mismatches between values will not evaluate to true. Policies with incomplete values (i.e. when the value for one or more variables in the expression is not provided in the context) or policies that encounter an error during evaluation will also not evaluate to true. Note that policies are compiled and statically checked for errors upon creation.

Policies have numerous uses but are most commonly used to implement forms of attribute based access control (ABAC). For example, we can create a warrant with a policy that only matches users coming from a specific ip address:

"objectType": "database",
"objectId": "prod",
"relation": "admin",
"subject": {
"objectType": "user",
"objectId": "ops-user"
"policy": "user.client_ip == \"\""

When combined with role based access control (RBAC), policies allow an application to support different role/permission mappings per customer or tenant. For example, we can create a warrant specifying that [role:accountant] grants users [permission:view-balance-sheet] only for customerId == "wayne-enterprises:

"objectType": "permission",
"objectId": "view-balance-sheet",
"relation": "member",
"subject": {
"objectType": "role",
"objectId": "accountant"
"policy": "companyId == \"wayne-enterprises\""

And another warrant specifying that [role:accountant] grants users [permission:view-profits-and-losses] only for customerId == "daily-planet":

"objectType": "permission",
"objectId": "view-profits-and-losses",
"relation": "member",
"subject": {
"objectType": "role",
"objectId": "accountant"
"policy": "companyId == \"daily-planet\""

We can then make access checks, passing in different values for companyId via the context based on the company a user belongs to in our application:

"warrants": [
"objectType": "permission",
"objectId": "view-profits-and-losses",
"relation": "member",
"subject": {
"objectType": "role",
"objectId": "accountant"
"context": {
"companyId": "wayne-enterprises"

This access check will return false because [role:accountant] only grants [permission:view-profits-and-losses] within the context of company daily-planet.

Built-in Methods

Warrant provides built-in methods that can be called from within policies to provide additional functionality:


The expiresIn method evaluates to true if the current time (the time the policy is being evluated) comes chronologically before the time the warrant was created + a specified duration. The duration must be specified as a string in a format accepted by Go's time.ParseDuration method.

// warrant will be valid for 24 hours

// warrant will be valid for 150 milliseconds

// warrant will be valid for 60 seconds

Creating and Managing Warrants

Warrants can be created directly in the Warrant dashboard or programmatically via API. Refer to the Warrants API Reference to learn more about managing Warrants via API.